
Todd Snyder

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2-G X1

Updated 7 months ago

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Section History

Gonlix 34 (from 2-D); Otahnagon 172 (from 2-D, to 2-H in 1956); Tahgajute 247 (from 2-E, to 2-H in 1956); Kamargo 294 (from 2-D in 1956); Adirondack 357 (from 2-D); Yahnundasis 465 (from 2-D); Seneca 394 (from 2-E); Aola 410 (from 2-E);Manatoanna 461 (from 2-D); Ah Wa Ge 477 (to 2-H in 1956); Ona Yote Kaonaga 500 (11/19/1953, first attended in 1955); Yokahú 506 (1955; 4/10/1954: Yukiyú 506 (nc)); Onondaga 516 (6/28/1955).
1968: Ko Nosh I Oni 34
├ Gonlix 34
└ Ona Yote Kaonaga 500
Tahgajute 247 (from 2-H in 1964); Kamargo 294 (from 2-D in 1956); Adirondack 357; Seneca 394 (to 2-H by 1960);
1968: Nischa Nitis 410
├ Aola 410
└ Onondaga 516
Manatoanna 461; Yahnundasis 465; Yokahú 506 (to 2-E in 1959).
January 1, 1973: Region 2-G becomes Area NE-2B